Plagiocephaly in adults

plagiocephaly in adults

Plagiocephaly in adults is a topic of concern to many people. One of the most frequent questions that we usually hear in our centers is whether cranial malformations such as plagiocephaly or brachycephaly can be cured and whether it is possible for plagiocephaly to affect adults. In general, plagiocephaly in adults is the result of untreated plagiocephaly in infants.

The answer to the first question is yes. Plagiocephaly and other cranial deformities can be corrected if detected early and according to multiple parameters and degrees.

Incidence of plagiocephaly

According to Aliyah Mawji, RN, of the Canadian Pediatric Society, in her article “The incidence of positional plagiocephaly: a cohort study
published in the American Academy of Pediatrics.

“The incidence of plagiocephaly in infants aged 7 to 12 weeks has been estimated at 46.6 %. Of the total number of infants with plagiocephaly, 63.2 % were affected on the right side and 78.3 % had a mild form. “

Plagiocephaly disorder

We must be clear that plagiocephaly is a disorder that has always existed. However, thanks to research and technology, medical teams are now able to detect it early and it can be treated without harming the baby.

However, as we have already said, this has been thanks to the attention and importance received in recent decades which has helped to detect and cure the cases. of plagiocephalyIt is very likely that older people who were not diagnosed at the time are suffering the consequences today.

What happens if you reach adulthood with a slightly flatter head than average? Unfortunately, plagiocephaly in adults is quite common.

Consequences of untreated skull deformities

The main repercussions of cranial deformities are closely related to the degree of the malformation, they can:

  • Affect the position of the eyes causing strabismus and obstruction of the tear duct.
  • Cause temporomandibular joint alterations and dental malocclusion.
  • Lead to recurrent respiratory and ear infections.

But, in addition, the simple deformation of the head causes an aesthetic alteration that in adolescent and adult patients can have implications for self-esteem that can affect their social and work relationships and professional development.

It must be taken into account that plagiocephaly fundamentally affects men, who also tend to have shorter hair or have alopecia, so they are usually the patients who seek to solve this malformation.

Learn more about the medical problems associated with untreated cranial deformities.

Treatment of plagiocephaly in adults and older children

After the age of 2 years, it is more difficult to solve any postural cranial deformity with the use of a orthopedic helmet such as the DOC Band®.
of which we spoke before, because they no longer have any effect.

Surgery is usually the only possible solution to treat plagiocephaly in adults, although the operation is somewhat tedious and many doctors are not willing to take that kind of risk.

Prevention, the best ally

We always advise parents to change the position of their babies very early to prevent the appearance of cranial deformities.

This involves varying the position in which the child plays, sits or sleeps to relieve pressure on the back of the skull.

Repositioning is usually successful in the treatment of mild cases of plagiocephaly, but when it is insufficient, a helmet is used to correct the deformity.

orthopedic helmet

As babies grow and begin to move more independently, around 14 months, the bones of the skull begin to harden and this method also becomes ineffective.

In any case, we should not be overly alarmed and as soon as we see that our little boy or girl has an unusual head shape, go to a doctor.

In our centers we treat hundreds of cases of skull deformities in babies every year with a high success rate..

The following link, we present information on how to assess if your baby has plagiocephaly, or other cranial malformation.

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Dr. Joan Pinyot Garròs (en adelante, “European Craniofacial Medical Center”)


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